poniedziałek, 4 lutego 2008

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I've been a regular poster on the credit forum and recently started reading the posts on the mortgage forum.
That gives you time to get it taken care, the funds are their for the OC or they are returned to you eventually once resolved.
She's relatively young so she has no credit and if so, how does it effect her credit from this point on until the 7 years until it is taken off?
(Cash now no collateral) I was hoping for more on the GM as I will be buying a Tahoe in November. I would like to run everything thought it until then to earn a nice down payment. Maybe I will ask for increase during activation call. I have a $2600 Orchard card with them already.
I would call them up and immediately dispute it and let them know they agreed to delete this crap off.
One more question...I haven't really ever used the validation approach for something like this...
credit report that itemizes the deletions.However the credit report from equifax contains the following information.

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As far as I know they have not contacted him since he sent the validation request.
I changed the beginning of my answer because I looked at your asking was it legal.
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(Uk paycheck cash) If you take your 4 grand and subtract about 700 to cover taxes and insurance, that leaves you with 3300 for principle and interest.
That is why I want you to get it in writing, if possible, along with the power of attorney, it is just plain outrageous and they have no defense for it. It is amazing isn't it, near unbelievable even and why you need a papertrail, courts just don't believe these things commonly happen.
Keep sending the vibes and credit repair dust my way so I can deal with the AXIS OF EVIL TU...

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Was that a slam? I sure hope not. I'm just trying to get some help here and I have no ide who "the troll know as Bertha" is. Have I hurt someone's feelings in some way? I sure don't know how. Just saying what is in my heart, but if noone is listening or noone wants to hear what I have to say I won't post anymore...I'll just read...or maybe I'll just leave. I thought we were all here to help each other.
So, instead of disputing as account status wrong, I should dispute as being duplicate account and inaccurate info...yes I believe that was your advice.
Today, 3/17/03, I received a response from Capital One, dated 2/26/03, declining my request based upon the following:
(High risk personal loans) I'd like to include this request; Explanation of interest and fees added to balance since account was purchased by your company.
I was wondering if I should trow a law suit at them or PFB them again to give them another chance.
I sent in the dispute letters to the CRA's and am still awaiting on the results back.
The date of status could well be considerably after that and the date of filing still after that.

niedziela, 3 lutego 2008

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Meaning if I am late on my car payment and they contact me and I tell them I will mail it when I can, they cannot call me again for another 30 days.
Sometimes this will result in a deletion if you ask them to prove how they verified an account.
Good Luck, and to you too, las03!!!!!!!!! Stressful times, know that you aren't alone and you'll get through this. Focus on what really matters, your families and loving each other.
(Cash advance for any country worldwide) You told them in front of your boyfriend not to call you at work, right?
Like I said, I am not currently FHA approved so I am not as well versed on it as I am my other products.
:mrgreen: I did make a rather hefty downpayment -- well, hefty to me anyway, LOL .

sobota, 2 lutego 2008

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I will hold off on my house hunt and focus on making some money so I don't end up foreclosing myself!
All injuries or damages resulted because the plantiff was negligent and didn't conduct his affairs as would a normal person.
Somebody - I guess Capital 1 - obviously re-aged the account by saying that I had refinanced it after it had been charged-off, which they are not allowed to do.
(Big limited 3a cash advance) My mother died two years ago. She had a Capital One account that was covered by their payment protection plan.
I explained that 14% APR is unacceptable, even though I like the Quantum concierge service a lot!
Also, are they still as slow as they used to be? Any chance of a reasonably quick closing with a VA loan? And, are the transactions smooth, or are they filled with problems?
For example, the response to my non-PP suit included the following affirmative defenses.
If you are meaning Federally Guaranteed Student Loans, then there are certain protections and benefits that you would lose by rolling them into the mortgage.

piątek, 1 lutego 2008

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Dixie said: "You should have known better than to validate an account this new"
heh as some of you know I even contacted the rockford mayor and he personally wrote me back on camco.
I plan to dispute by saying the info reported is inaccurate but I don't want them to delete the acount from my report as I have had the loan for 20 years, never late.
(Huge cash advance com) Of course, as the other posters mentioned, it's all about your individual situation and what you want!

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I did place the phone call to order the work done for the business,, but the work invoice for the work was signed by one of the employees.
Was nervous since it was my first call but I was mellow with the rep, who seemed suspicious for sure, was transferred once but since I stayed calm I guess that helped and they deleted the addys. Kept the ones that were connected to good tradelines that I am an authorized user on.
I was a paralegal for many years and somewhat knowledgable in legal terms, yet not knowing anything about credit and/or credit scoring - she scared me!!
(Instant loans no teletrack verification) It's my DH. Been on light duty since May 03, will be off completely within the next 3 - 6 weeks. Had a torn rotator cuff - had surgery during this time.